We start by listening, not by talking.
Define Intention
Together we define what is important to you and your family.
We develop alternatives to deliver results that matter to you.
You select the plan that fits best. We execute.
Our commitment to service is real. You’ll see it through insurance reviews and premium reminders.
Heirmark’s Transparent Planning Model
Our Transparent Planning Model delivers tailored life insurance strategies to meet the unique business, estate and charitable planning needs for affluent families and business owners. When we create an insurance plan, we include a comprehensive analysis of any existing life insurance as well as specific planning ideas to meet discussed needs. Each analysis that we craft includes details regarding a planning structure’s highlights as well as risks, along with full disclosure of a proposed life insurance policy’s mechanics and charges.
When we complete a life insurance acquisition, we deliver a promise to oversee the plan and the policy we placed. We practice active policy management, monitoring premium payments, industry changes and market conditions to provide timely and dependable service. We are available when a client or their advisory team needs our help, no matter what.
This is what we do, and we do it well for only a select number of families and family-owned businesses each year.